A company that increases shareholder
value and protects social values.

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors Composition

Board Appointment and Composition

As of July 1st, 2024, the Board of Directors consists of 7 members: 3 internal directors and 4 external directors. At the inaugural board meeting held on July 1st, 2024, CEO H.S. Cho was appointed as the Chairman of the Board. HS HYOSUNG eliminates restrictions based on gender, religion, or educational background in the selection of directors.
Director candidates are recommended by the Board of Directors (for internal directors) and the External Director Nomination Committee (for external directors), and are appointed through a fair process at the shareholders' meeting. Additionally, if there are shareholder proposals related to director appointments in accordance with relevant regulations, the Board may submit these proposals as agenda items for the shareholders' meeting within the legal framework.

Internal Directors
H.S. Cho CEO
Sung-Hoon Ahn CEO
Duk-Soo Shin Managing Director
External Directors
Oh-Gyu Kwon Member of the Audit Committee
Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy External Director & Chairman of the Board of Directors of S-OIL
Byung-Dae Park Director
Former Chief Justice of the Supreme CourtAttorney at Kim & Chang Law Firm
Byung-Hee Oh Member of the Audit Committee
Former President, Seoul National University Hospital President, Incheon Sejong Hospital
Sang-Yeop Lee Member of the Audit Committee
Former KAIST Research President KAIST Research Vice-President

Shareholders' Rights to Make Proposals

  • Under Article 363-2 of the Commercial Act, shareholders of HS HYOSUNG Corporation can propose certain matters to be included in the agenda of a shareholders' meeting. This can be done in writing or electronically, and must be submitted 6 weeks before the meeting date (or, for annual general meetings, 6 weeks before the date of the previous year's annual general meeting). Shareholders can also request that the company include in its meeting notices the procedures for submitting shareholder proposals.
  • Shareholder proposals can only be made by shareholders holding a certain percentage of shares.
    • Shareholder proponent
      1. Shareholders holding at least 3% of the total outstanding voting shares (excluding non-voting shares) (Article 363-2 of the Commercial Act)
      2. Shareholders holding at least 1% of the total outstanding voting shares (excluding non-voting shares) continuously for 6 months before the proposal (Article 542-6 of the Commercial Act)
  • If a shareholder proposal is received, the company must report it to the Board of Directors. The Board is then required to include the proposal in the agenda of the shareholders' meeting, except where such proposal is in violation of statutes or the articles of incorporation and unless it falls under one of the following exceptions as outlined in Article 12 of the Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act:
    1. The proposal is the same as one that was rejected within the past 3 years, with less than 10% of the votes in favor.
    2. The proposal concerns a personal grievance of the shareholder.
    3. The proposal concerns minority shareholder rights that require holding a certain percentage of shares exceeding the shareholder's current ownership.
    4. The proposal concerns the dismissal of a director or auditor currently in office.
    5. The proposal is impossible for the company to implement, or its reasoning is clearly false or defamatory.
  • If requested by the proposing shareholder, the company must give them an opportunity to explain their proposal at the shareholders' meeting.
  • Other matters are governed by the Commercial Act or other relevant laws and regulations.

Board Operations Status

HS HYOSUNG Corporation’s Board of Directors is composed of 7 members: 3 internal directors and 4 external directors. At the inaugural board meeting held on July 1st, 2024, CEO H.S. Cho was appointed as the Chairman of the Board. The Board also has five subcommittees: the Audit Committee, the External Director Nomination Committee, the Management Committee, the ESG Management Committee, and the Compensation Committee.

Independence and Transparency of the Board

Directors are appointed by the shareholders' meeting. The nominees for directors are recommended by the Board of Directors (for internal directors) and the External Director Nomination Committee (for external directors), and are then elected at the shareholders' meeting. Additionally, if there are shareholder proposals related to director appointments in accordance with relevant regulations, the Board may submit these proposals as agenda items for the shareholders' meeting within the legal framework. However, since HS HYOSUNG Corporation was spun off from Hyosung corporation on July 1st, 2024, the initial internal and external directors were appointed through the approval of the spin-off plan at Hyosung Corporation's extraordinary shareholders' meeting on June 14, 2024.

2024 Board of Directors Operation Status

Meeting No. Date Contents of the Proposal Approved or not Attendance of External Directors
#1 2024.07.01 1. Report on Founding Matters and Approval of Notice in Lieu of Founding General Meeting
2. Appointment of the CEO
3. Appointment of the Chairman of the Board
4. Appointment of Members to the External Director Nomination Committee
5. Appointment of Members to the Management Committee
6. Appointment of Members to the ESG Management Committee
7. Appointment of Members to the Compensation Committee
8. Appointment of the Agent for Transfer of Shares
9. Establishment of Headquarters and Branch Offices
10. Enactment of Internal Regulations
11. Approval of Transactions between Directors and the Company
12. Approval of Large-Scale Internal Transactions
Approved 4/4
Meeting No. #1
Date 2024.07.01
Contents of the Proposal 1. Report on Founding Matters and Approval of Notice in Lieu of Founding General Meeting
2. Appointment of the CEO
3. Appointment of the Chairman of the Board
4. Appointment of Members to the External Director Nomination Committee
5. Appointment of Members to the Management Committee
6. Appointment of Members to the ESG Management Committee
7. Appointment of Members to the Compensation Committee
8. Appointment of the Agent for Transfer of Shares
9. Establishment of Headquarters and Branch Offices
10. Enactment of Internal Regulations
11. Approval of Transactions between Directors and the Company
12. Approval of Large-Scale Internal Transactions
Approved or not Approved
Attendance of External Directors 4/4